You are reading this post today because I have been praying for you. I have been praying for God to awaken His people to the truth of their value. Let me remind you from the start…YOU ARE IRREPLACEABLE and you are alive for such a time as this! News all around us today reeks of doom and gloom. Fear of terrorism and mass shootings is on the rise. The fight for political power is at an all time high, the economy is in desperate need of an overhaul, and the very foundation of our communities, the family, is under direct attack. That is why YOU are being summoned today to take action! No More Excuses!
It’s time for life as usual to be disrupted, not by the likes of hatred and evil, but by the indisputable power of God!
People are desperate for positive change, and we, those who belong to the family of God, have the answers. When we look to the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for US, we have NO excuses. Staying in our comfortable cocoons while the world around us is crying out for help is to disregard the work of the cross!
We have the power of God living within us to break every chain of the evil one. (John 14:12). What are we doing with the wisdom and power of God that is available to us?
If you are reading this, two things are certain; you already believe God’s power is real and accessible, or God is calling you into that understanding RIGHT NOW.
God is going to unleash an anointing upon you as you continue to read these words. An anointing to be bold and powerful. To take your rightful place in His army equipped to impact, and influence.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) These are the marching orders God gave to Joshua as He was leading the Israelites into battle to take possession of the promise land. It was a NOW word then…and It’s a NOW word today!
We have the ability to change the atmosphere wherever we are. In our homes, our communities and throughout the world.
We, as Christ followers, have been given a divine responsibility to bring the power of heaven into the Earth. We have wasted enough time swimming around in the sea of the status Quo, being draw in by the culture of the world, rather than bringing the culture of God’s kingdom to this broken world. It’s time to begin walking in the Elite Status God has provided for us.
God has deposited within you something to offer the lost, and hurting, who cross your path every day. You are to be a light shining in the darkness. Are you hearkening to the voice of the Father? Are you allowing Him to light the path before you each day, or are you merely ‘getting through’ the day with your eyes focused on YOU?
Someone needs to hear a word from God today, feel His touch, sense His love…and you are the vessel God desires to use.
Tapping into divine wisdom to uncover your purpose in your everyday life is only found in the presence of God! It is in His presence where you will get direction. Developing the confidence to go where He tells you to go, do what he tells you to do, and say what He tells you to say, only occurs by spending time with Him. “ I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
No more seeking purpose outside of God’s will. Lay your plans aside. Seek after God for His plans for your day. In the middle of what you would consider mundane routines, God can interrupt your schedule for a divine appointment. That divine interruption will impact and influence the people around you.
Are you looking for the divine among your ordinary? Jesus walked the streets and had God encounters with hurting people, constantly. He brought the power of the Father to those in need. You can do the same.
If there was ever a time when hearts are opened to God, it is now! The harvest is ripe and the workers are few. (Matthew 9:37). No more EXCUSES. No more allowing the enemy to keep you blind and deaf to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
It’s not about ‘Doing’, it’s about ‘Being’. Being in the presence of God, so we hear him as Jesus did. Jesus explained, He only said and did what the Father showed him (John 5:19) Just BE in His presence. The impact and influence will be a supernatural by-product.
No more waiting for others to implement change. It’s time for God’s people take the reigns. That’s you and me!
We have been endowed by God to stand out in this world. Jesus did. What is our excuse? If we are not being an influencer then we are being influenced.
Whether your sphere of influence seems huge or small, you are being called into action. God doesn’t make mistakes, there are no coincidences…you are receiving this message so you can be challenged to take action. No MORE EXCUSES!
You are irreplaceable, there are people you know, who you come in contact with each day, whom I will never meet. I can not influence them, those are the people assigned to you!
Be encouraged, whatever time you set aside to be in God’s presence, increase that just a bit longer. Just Imagine… the extra scripture you read, or the fresh word you hear from God, becomes the very substance He uses through you, to make a difference in someone else’s life!
Father God, thank you for positioning and equipping your children to take action. Awaken the hearts of everyone to your divine call. First and foremost to BE in your presence. Open the spiritual eyes and ears of every person so they will discern your voice and boldly follow your direction every day. May courage and boldness arise within your children. I declare the workers will show up ready for duty….In Jesus’s name!
-Lucy Ann
Challenge to Action:
No More Excuses! The harvest is ripe…YOU are needed! Will you answer the call to BE spiritually living connected to God every day? It will take everyone working together, under the Lord’s direction, to make a positive influence in our world.
Be sure to “Join the Team” so we can stay connected!
YES, I accept my assignment!!!!!!!
You GO girl… let your light shine💕
Lucy Ann
This was a word I needed to hear today as I face going to a party tomorrow with a group of people who live very opposite lifestyles and sexual orientations from me. I know Jesus goes with me. I go in HIS power to be salt and light.
Amen!!! I stand in agreement with you for divine revelation to flow to you and through you. May you see the mighty hand of God at work! Keeping you covered in prayer!
Lucy Ann
Oh, yes! Ready for action!
I know God will use you in great ways!
Lucy Ann
Wow!! Thank you Lucy Ann for this empowering message!!!
Continue to be a great force for God’s kingdom!!!
Lucy Ann
Hello my Lovely anointed sister! I hear the sound of the strong wind of God in the message you shared and I am stirred up to surrender to the manificent river that flows out of us who believe, Jesus! He is the greatest, undisputable, always victorious King of my soul! I am his and He is mine, therefore I arise and shine!
AMEN!!! Jump in the river!!!
Lucy Ann