Here we are once again, approaching the last day of the year. 2018 is one day away from being in the History books. Many may look back and say it was an amazing year, others may be excited to see this year come to a close; either way 2019 is about to begin. I am always intrigued as I listen to people talk about the approaching new year. Their speech is marked with an attitude… as if to say, by the flip of the calendar page, life will be different in the morning. Can things really be that easy?
If you are reading this today, I am sure you have many years ( at least 18), of life experience behind you. Enough to know the life you had when the clock hits midnight on December 31st, barring any miracle, will be the same life you wake up to in the morning. Perhaps with a different perspective, nonetheless, life continues on.
There is only one way I know that can clear the slate completely, and actually wake up as a new person, with a new vision and purpose in life. Before the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve, purpose in your heart to surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This is the best News Years resolution you could possibly make for yourself and your loved ones.
Living a life grounded in your true identity as a child of God, gives you reason to celebrate everyday. A life in Christ is a new birth. The old has passed away and a new life has been given to you. The scriptures clearly express this in many ways. The most profound is in the book of 2 Corinthians 5:17; “ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here”. God comes to live within your heart, making all things new.
God promises to forgive all your sins, and remember them no more. You actually have a clean slate. No matter what you have done, what you have said, if you ask for forgiveness, call upon the name of the Lord, God will hear you, and respond in His love.
His love is unconditional. No matter how far off you may feel from even knowing God at this very moment, He is near. He is calling your name right now. Will you respond? Stop reading this right now, take a moment and ask Jesus to come into your heart. You will never be the same again! The old you will die, and you will be given a new life in God. The life you were always destined to live. God loves you and is calling you home.
Perhaps you are reading this and you know this to be true, yet you have drifted far from home. Far from the loving arms of your heavenly Father. It’s okay. He is waiting for you to take a step towards Him and He will come running towards you. It really is that simple.
New Year’s resolutions will come and go. Some will succeed and others will fail, this is part of the life cycle of learning and growing. Yet, there is only one resolution that will last forever in this life, and carry you into the life eternal as well.
This is an invitation to change your life forever, place you back in right standing with God, where you are designed to be. You will be given a new name, son/daughter of the most high God. You will be given an eternal home… heaven, and receive an inheritance which you can use right now and forevermore, the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I have prayed and thought about what my final words of encouragement and challenge to you could be for 2018. I am assured deep within my inner being, that I have nothing better to offer you then this… an invitation to come home. Everything I know in the natural, all my life experiences, fall short of introducing you to the one true God who can impact your life everyday.
I know this in an unpopular subject to write about, but that’s okay. I care enough about you to take the risk. God loves you, I love you, you are irreplaceable. God is waiting… call on the name of Jesus, and God will respond. You may “feel” something, or you may not. Faith is not based on a feeling it is a “knowing”.
Be assured by God’s word, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved”.
This is the beginning of living a life transformed by God’s love. It is the perfect way to begin the new year.
If you have any questions or desire to discuss this topic further, do not hesitate to reach out to me. You can reach me at:
Give someone the gift of love before the year ends… share this invitation with someone whom you know. Someone who desires to see a change in their life, yet everything they have tried has left them short of their hopes and dreams. Don’t be shy, share this, it may very well be the thing someone you know is secretly praying about.
May God bless you, and keep you. May He shine His face upon you and give you peace.
Happy New Year…
-Lucy Ann
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