You Don’t Have To Start Over If You Don’t Quit
Consistency is key to creating a life beyond limitations.
You and I are immersed in a fast paced, give-it-to-me-now culture. Consequently, this mentality has created an unrealistic expectation for progress—making it easy to justify quitting.
Often, we are rewarded by society for speedy production—even at the expense of excellence. It’s called mass production for a reason.
Unfortunately, this can allow us to create a mentality that believes if it doesn’t happen quickly something must be wrong.
What if nothing has gone wrong?
Can you simply hold the thought that it takes time to achieve excellence in your life?
God allows nine months for a baby to form in its mother’s womb—creating a masterpiece is a process. God isn’t in a hurry.
Likewise, you need not feel rushed to create a life of excellence.
Please make note, I am not speaking about perfection, I’m speaking about bringing forth your destiny.
How do you do that? You begin by taking personal responsibility for training your brain to stay on course until you reach the end of the race— Don’t stop short by allowing your current thoughts and habits to take you on a detour—a place you don’t want to be.
Recognizing that it takes time for this shift to happen, will serve you well, as you break free from your comfort zone into the world of possibilities.
This can only occur with time. Through trial and error, a willingness to make adjustments, and accepting success and failure as learning opportunities.
Note—quitting is not part of the equation.
When you quit on yourselves you give yourselves permission to live in the status quo community instead of receiving God’s upgrade to a life beyond limitations.
Consequently, quitting also means you must start over. In God’s kingdom there are no shortcuts. If you fail to pursue your destiny, He will continue to give you opportunity after opportunity to start again. He is committed to your success.
How do you train your brain not to compromise?
- Show up everyday committed to your personal growth.
- Create change in your thoughts and behaviors that keep you on the right track.
- Be confident even when doubt creeps in.
- Take risks when fear raises its ugly head.
- Remind yourself of your true identity and authority as a child of God.
Your created greatness is not measured by accolades the world offers to you, but rather the character God is developing within you.
Decide today that quitting on yourself is never an option—you can do hard things.
You can overcome any obstacle.
Be determined to achieve excellence in the areas that matter most to God. You can learn how to be effective in representing His kingdom in a world that is settling for the status quo.
It’s time to take charge of your life.
Your consistency will pay off.
God won’t quit on you—don’t quit on yourself.
You are not alone.
Don’t stop uncovering everything that is holding you back from living in your created greatness.
Consistency is the key to creating a life beyond limitations.
Your are Irreplaceable,
Lucy Ann
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