I am an avid hiker, I absolutely love the challenges of the journey. When I walk step by step into unknown territory there is something exciting about the new discoveries which await me. Whether I am hiking the cliffs along the beach in California, the huge colorful rocks of Utah, or the flatlands of the desert in Arizona, I look forward to uncovering the the surprises I find along the way. Some trails are easy while others require strenuous effort to conqueror. Both, are exhilarating in their own right. On the easy pathways I can breathe softly while taking in the beauty of the scenery. The harder trails force me to dig deep within, pulling on all my strength and discipline to complete the hike. Both bring joy to my soul and a workout for my body.
I am inviting you now, through this post, to take an adventure with me. No, I am not organizing an adventure through the vast wilderness although, that would be fun. I have personally embarked on a new exploration, one that would be marked “difficult” at the starting point of the trailhead. I have not traveled a path of this magnitude before, however, I already know the views are going to be breathtakingly beautiful.
Usually, I take day hikes, and return home to a hot shower and cozy bed. This exploration will be several months long. I am planning a six month journey. Hold on, before you think I have gone off the deep path, I am not really hiking … at least not the trailblazing one does on foot. This trail will be a collaborative effort utilizing all the skills, and disciplines I have acquired over the years. I will be traveling down the trail of writing my first book! Yes, the time has come. I have secured a writing coach and publisher. My book, God willing, is scheduled to be completed late Spring, or early Summer 2019.
I have prayerfully considered this endeavor, I am both excited, and terrified at the task at hand. Have you ever reached that fork in the road, that place in life when you must decide which way to turn? Left, right, or head back? Decisions. Decisions. I was at that very place a month ago when I had to make the decision to jump in and commit to writing this book, or make excuses as to why I should not.
I am inviting you to step onto this hidden trail with me, intending for it to be an encouragement to you. I hope to stir your heart to take the next step towards the dream that has been lying dormant within you. I do not know what that is for you, as for me, this book idea has been brewing on the back burner for years. God’s timing is always perfect, so I am moving forward confidently in His ability to lead me through the unknown terrain ahead. He will do the same for you. Just ask Him.
Over the past month I have charted new territory, somewhat slowly, and with uncertainty, yet I have pressed on. What I have discover in the wake of this decision has already altered my life forever, in a great way. I have met many amazing people, some who are much further along this trail then I am, and It is exciting to co-labor with them. Who would have imagined there would be a personal growth lesson in writing a book. I am being stretched in so many ways. A month ago, I didn’t even know what a book proposal looked liked, and today I have completed mine, and it has been submitted for edit!
Whenever you step off the beaten path, there are bumps and barriers to overcome. Sticking close to your trail guide (God), is essential in maneuvering around the obstacles. Be encouraged; with God all things are possible. Set down the doubts, go to God, hang onto His promises, and keep moving forward.
Prayerfully, consider what the next step is for you. I can assure you, as long as you are breathing, God has something He wants to do in you and through you. Get excited to uncover that assignment. I sense someone reading this right now, needed this word of encouragement. You are at the decision making stage, and perhaps you were looking for confirmation. You just received it! Get up, and begin to tackle that project. Big or small. What seems insignificant to you is huge in the hands of God.
In hindsight, I can now see how many of what I consider small or insignificant things that God was having me do, positioned me to be where I am today. Spend time in reflection, look back and examine the path God has been leading you down. Can you see a pattern developing? The bible says we are not to despise small beginnings. I have no idea where this journey will lead me, yet I am hiking the next step, then the next.
I am here to support and encourage you with every step you take. Don’t forget you can always send in a prayer request at: https://www.lucyanncq.com/prayer/
Uncovering purpose in your everyday life is a matter of taking one step of obedience at a time, and looking with anticipation towards where God is leading you. His plans for your life will exceed your highest dreams or imaginations. Dare to dream big. We serve an awesome God with unlimited resources.
I leave you today, with one of my favorite scriptures, I meditate on this verse everyday. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5,6).
-Lucy Ann
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It feels like you’re talking to ME!!
I’m doing something different, and it’s so uncomfortable! I feel like I just want to quit, just stop and go back to the status quo. But even as I consider it, I know I won’t. It’s exciting and scary at the same time. I’m completely insecure, yet hopeful.
So thank you for your words today, I neede to hear(/see) them.
PS MISS you!!
Carol, So glad to connect with you. Absolutely, keep pressing through. Keep taking the next step.
Before long you will be in a rhythm, and the old will begin to feel uncomfortable as you continue to embrace the new!
You Got this girl!
Blessings, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Lucy Ann
Lucy Ann, I would love to be part on this new adventure with you. I miss you my friend..My walk with the Lord has taken me on quite an adventure as well..I walked through a Freedom class at church that was incredible and it allowed the Holy spirit to reveal so much to me.. I have so much to share with you. Love and miss you, Teri
Teri, so happy to hear about your breakthrough! Keep hiking the path of life with God and He will surely take you on an adventure. I would love to connect with you. Reach out anytime.
Lucy Ann