Once you decide to take charge of your life and begin to make the necessary shifts to live in your created greatness expect resistance from others.
Not everyone is going to be in agreement with the decisions you make.
- Are you sure you want to do that?
- This has never been done before.
- Remember the last time you tried this?
- I think you are making a mistake.
- I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
- I liked you better before.
- Why rock the boat?
Any of these statements sound familiar? Perhaps you have heard one or all of the above from well meaning friends and family members.
The truth is…they are not you.
You alone know what ‘s best for you.
Power lies in the ability to make decisions. Good or bad, they belong to you.
Ownership is a great thing, especially when it comes to your own thoughts and decisions for your life.
Consider this…
Can you remember a time when you asked someone for advice and you then allowed what they had to say influence your thoughts and decisions? In the end, yielding results you were not happy with?
Now the blame game sets it.
Would it have been better to trust yourself and be willing to take full responsibility for the outcome?
No one to blame.
When you are in charge of your own life. There is no room for blame—only growth.
Failure is merely a thought. One that doesn’t serve you well.
Learning and growing from things that didn’t go as planned is part of figuring out what does work.
It may feel uncomfortable when you think about taking sole responsibility for your decisions—that’s okay. It’s part of the process.
You have heard me say many times…you can do hard things.
Can you choose to believe that it is empowering, and not intimidating, to trust your own decisions?
I would like to offer this to you—consider redefining failure for yourself.
I am not implying that people intentionally want to hold you back from living in your created greatness, however, they are not you. Could you hold room for the thought that it may, at times, be wise to seek counsel, while simultaneously acknowledging that the final decision is yours alone to make?
There’s no better time than now, to inform your brain that forever more—you are the CEO of your life. Yes, the buck stops with you.
It’s decision time.
Make it a great day!
Lucy Ann
PS. Make the decision now to invest in your future. Reach out for a coaching consultation. Let me show you how I can help you take full responsibility for your decisions and learn how to live beyond limitations.
Consultations are free—my gift to you. Simply click the link below. https://www.lucyanncq.com/coaching/
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