A Plan Is the Answer to Your Struggles.
For surfers, every trip to the beach presents a challenge and a struggle. Imagine yourself at the shoreline, surfboard in hand, eyes on each wave as it breaks, getting a sense of the rhythm of the sea. Taking note of the size and power of each wave rolling in.
After careful analysis it’s time to make the decision—jump in and seize the moment, or wait yet another day on the shore. This is when the mental battle strikes. Uncertainty rises to the top. Doubt and fear try to be the determining factors in the go or no go decision.
Every surfer faces this struggle.
Likewise, you and I face our own struggles as the waves of life come crashing in. Circumstances change in a moment’s notice, unexpected opportunities surface, and trying to decide what is the best decision to make often leaves us gasping for air. Much like a surfer who has just been knocked off the board into the swirling water.
No one can escape the changing tides everyday life brings our way.
Like the surfer standing on the shoreline, it’s decision time.
The tides of the sea are constantly changing, likewise, time doesn’t stand still. Life is constantly in motion. If you don’t learn how to co-exist with the changes that come your way, you will stay stuck watching time pass you by.
How exactly do you decide to jump in and seize every day?
Much life the surfer…you make a plan:
- Show up with the right equipment—attitude
- Be prepare—do your due diligence to analyze the situation
- Make a decision—trust yourself
- Commit—control your thoughts
- Focus—stay the course
- Know when to bail—be willing to re-evaluate when necessary
The mind will always take the path of safety. You are the only one who gets to decide what voices you listen to. Are you going to succumb to fear, doubt, and uncertainty? Or are you going to commit to living in your created greatness?
The struggle in your mind is a limitation.
I am forever grateful for the many times I showed up at the beach, faced my fears and uncertainties and decided to paddle out to ride the waves. Sometimes I won, other times the wave took me out. Each time my confidence was growing.
There were things I figured out in the middle of the wipe-out that I could never have learned sitting on the shore.
Did it hurt sometimes…sure. Nonetheless, I knew I could not get good at what I wasn’t willing to fail at.
Life is that way too.
What challenges are you struggling to overcome? You can do hard things.
Make a plan.
Make a decision.
Be willing to re-evaluate.
Don’t fear the deep waters life offers to you.
With a plan, you have a strategy for forward momentum. The more powerful the wave, the faster the ride. The more challenging your struggle, the greater the breakthrough.
It’s time to stop the struggle.
Make a plan. Trust yourself. Trust God.
Your Are Irreplaceable,
Lucy Ann
P.S. Want to learn how to shift from struggle to strength and uncertainty to trust? Join my one-one-one coaching program and see for yourself the benefits of having a life coach in your corner. Consultations are risk free—my gift to you!
Very encouraging words. Having spent plenty of time battling waves while body surfing in FL. I can very much relate. After reading this this morning I’ll certainly be looking at some of the things I’ve been considering to do to see if fear is holding me back. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Thanks for sharing Jordy. I would love to hear about what you uncover!
Make it a great day!
Lucy Ann