Photo by Ezra Jeffrey-Comeau
Have you ever felt as though God was being silent? You pray and nothing? You look at your circumstances and it appears to be the same-old, same-old, day after day? Be assured, God is always at work on your behalf. He never slumbers or sleeps, and He is always with you (Psalm 121:3-4 NIV). Faith is a knowing; God is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do. What about other people? Do people seem to be up front and personal and before you know it they are silent?
There can be any number of reasons why people go silent in your life. Sometimes it can be a good thing, other times it can be frustrating. I am writing today to bridge the gap of my silence. I know it has been several months since you’ve heard from me. Let me assure you … my stillness has not meant you have been far in thought or prayer. Actually, I have been thinking about you and working on your behalf. Let me explain.
Last November I shared with you that I was embarking on a new adventure—writing my first book. Little did I know, this hiking trip would take me along a steep and narrow road of isolation. The ground beneath my feet, and the presence of God with me, were my saving grace. Seeing the finishing line would be nearly twelve months away. Yes, I said twelve months.
When I began, I was totally unaware of the depth of valleys, and the tough terrain of the mountains, I was about to endure. I estimated this hiking adventure to last eight months or so. I was wrong! But that’s okay. Life’s pathways usually do not take us where we imagined they would. This assignment has pushed me harder than any other and required me to stand strong in the face of the mighty winds of doubt and fear. It has demanded that I keep walking even when I wanted to lay down and cry for rescue.
Why am I sharing this with you now? I want you to know that my silence has not meant inactivity. Actually, it has been the total opposite. During the hours and hours of isolation along this adventure, God has been very vocal. How many know this is a good thing?
There were many times when I wanted to write another blog, but God said no, not now. I petitioned why, He was silent—so I obeyed.
I now know why.
He was preparing me to serve you on a higher level. He has placed a vision within me that has become a burning flame that will not be quenched. During my yearlong adventure of writing my book, I have grown in my relationship with God, and in knowledge about His intense, immeasurable love. I have been stretched far beyond my comfort zone, actually I would say, “ I have been kicked out of the nest.” As important as these things have been, something else exciting happened … God opened my eyes and heart to see and understand the people He has called me to serve in a profound way—that’s You!
Throughout the New Year there will be many new and exciting things happening which I know will be a blessing to you.
To wrap up: my silence was a season of preparation. Preparing to serve you better in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. I will be revealing details, and a clear vision, as we move further into the New Year. There will be change and I’m certain you will love it. If, for some reason, I am not the one to serve you, no worries—you can opt out at any time.
If you are excited to be in on what God is going to do in this new season through this community, write me a note in the challenge below. Start sharing the word that this is a place of truth, growth, challenges, and results. Share my post; encourage your friends to join the team so they can get onboard too.
In the meantime, I will be here to encourage you in your everyday life, help you identity areas of struggle, inspire you to make the necessary shifts and implement strategies to bring about sustainable life transformation. Let’s continue on this journey together. God has something special planned for your life. Don’t miss out on it by being satisfied with the status quo—you were created for greatness.
I want to extend a Very Merry Christmas Wish from my heart to yours this season. In the busyness of holiday preparations be sure to keep Jesus at the center of your thoughts and activities.
You are irreplaceable … Make it a great day!
-Lucy Ann
Challenge question:
Who is ready to bring in the New Year with life transformation as your goal? If you are in jot a note below! I am excited to join with you in a year of measurable change for God’s glory. The world is waiting for us to live out what we believe.
Be sure to “Join the Team” so we can stay connected!
Bring it! I am ready!
Love you! I am excited to see what God is going to do in your life!
Lucy Ann
Always interested in spiritual growth: wanting to know God more and wanting to become more like his Son
Spiritual growth is a journey and when we can do it in community it is sustainable and a life-giving experience for everyone involved. Glad you are onboard!
Service In God’s Love,
Lucy Ann
I continue to pray for guidance and growth. I look forward to your help in this journey.
Ann Marie,
God is accessible and He is always willing to lead, guide, and direct our paths. Happy to be on this journey with you! Walking intimately with God is an exciting adventure.
Much love,
Lucy Ann 💜
I am all the way in!!! I declare and decree that 2020 is a year of life transformation as my goal!!!!
Yes! A year of transformation for God’s glory 😇. Standing in agreement with you.
Lucy Ann
May God bless you apostle of God we thank you for opening here the church which is open heaven church .we are blessed this theme may God bless you abundantly apostle.