Stop Trying to Manage Time and Begin to Manage Your Schedule
Is it really possible to manage time?
Every day consist of 24 hours. It’s designed that way by a power greater than ourselves. People have been wrapped up in time management for centuries.
It’s not going to happen.
If you want to relieve stress in your life stop attempting to manage something that is out of your control. Instead, learn to manage your schedule.
This concept will be life-changing if you will surrender to its value.
Time is not your problem. Managing your schedule is the real issue.
If you don’t learn to manage your schedule, you are giving permission for others to do so at your expense.
So where do you begin?
Like most things, it starts with a decision. You are the one who must decide to take control of your life by cotrolling your schedule.
Once the decision is made, begin to track everything you do in a day. Track this for at least a week. Everything from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Yes—everything. Even the time you spend on the phone and in front of the TV. (Ouch!)
Then consider your priorities—write those things down. Don’t forget time for self care, this too, needs to be scheduled.
Next, compare what you are doing with what you say your priorities are. Is there a gap between what you want to spend your time doing and what you actually spend your time doing? Make note of this.
Now the hard work of elimination begins. Eliminate anything on your list, that is within your control, that does not align with your priorities.
You should be left with a list of high priority items. These items are the things you now create your daily routine around.
Make a schedule, with time blocks, so you can see at a glance how you are positioning your day to unfold. In doing this, it will become easy to recognize how and where you are over committing yourself. This is important to become aware of.
Being over committed is a recipe for burn-out.
Honesty is the best policy. It’s time to be honest with yourself—admit where you’ve been allowing others to steal your valuable time. Who or what has been controlling your day? If it isn’t you…it’s time to take back control.
Make the hard decisions. If you want to be in charge of your schedule you will have to become disciplined.
Learning to create boundaries around your schedule is the only way to protect how your time is invested each day.
Time isn’t the problem…
Being disciplined to set up a routine and stick to it is how the overcommittment and overwhelm is defeated. This takes practice and intentionality.
In order to live beyond limitations you must get a handle on your schedule. Time is valuable—don’t waste it doing things that are not contributing to your created greatness.
If you need help getting control of this aspect of your life—I can help. Join my one-on-one coaching program. Consultations are risk free-my gift to you.
You Are Irreplaceable!
Lucy Ann
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