The day seems quiet, yet the voices in your head seem to be screaming. The winds seem calm, yet the whirlwind in your heart is spinning out of control. You pray, yet you sense no one is listening, the quietness is deafening! God are you even there? If you are, please let me see you in some way, hear your voice, give me some direction, you cry! Yet you feel nothing, see nothing, and hear nothing! Nothing but the still of the day and the numbness in your heart.
I’m sure the disciples on the road to Emmaus, after the crucifixion and burial of Jesus, were feeling a lot like this as well. Their hopes of a future free from the tyrants of the Roman Empire had been shattered (or so they thought). They were consumed with their despair, recounting the situation over and over again in their minds and conversations. Their limited perspective on who Jesus really was hindered their ability to see God at work around them (Luke 24:13-35). Jesus walked up alongside them and they did not even recognize him (Luke 24:15-16).
Is it possible, right now, in the midst of your circumstances, God is among you and you do not recognize him?He is speaking to you but you do not perceive his voice? He is providing for you, and you do not acknowledge his provision?
Your lack of understanding is never a measure of God’s faithfulness. God’s faithfulness never fails (Lamentations 3:22-23). If you would look beyond your limited insight and dare to believe God is walking with you everyday, even on the darkest of days (Deuteronomy 31:6), the eyes of your understanding would be opened and you would see God like never before. He is able to give you beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, and praise instead of despair (Isaiah 61:3).
Are you missing God’s voice, timing, or provision, because of a preconceived notion of how you thought things in your life would play out?
The scriptures say the disciples were kept from recognizing Jesus (Luke 24:16). What is keeping you from seeing Jesus walking with you everyday? What has cast a shadow on your hope for your future? Perhaps it is a family matter, economic crises, the elections in the USA, or the turmoil throughout the world. Whatever labels you attach to your struggles, have you allowed yourself to become blind to the vision of how Great God is?
After all, God spoke to Moses through a burning bush (Exodus 3:3). He gave explicit instructions to Joshua, telling him exactly how to defeat his enemies (Hebrews 11:30). He provided a sacrifice for Abraham in a form of a Ram stuck in the thicket (Genesis 22:13a). Truly, God is Great! Likewise God desires to prove himself faithful to you in ways you would never imagine. Are you expecting to see the greatness of God manifest in your life (Romans 4:21)?
If you can no longer hear God’s voice, sense His presence, and recognize His provision over the cacophony of your life… LOOK AGAIN!
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! He will finish the good work He has begun in your life (Philippians 1:6).
Uncovering purpose in your everyday life can be found in discovering God in new and beautiful ways.
-Lucy Ann
Challenge Questions:
Are you willing to take the lid off the box you have put God in and give Him freedom to be all He desires to be in your life?
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Cut right to the heart.❣️
In seeking Him, He is sure to be found. Praise you Lord. My comfort, my way maker.
Thank you Lucy Ann for your sensitive heart to the Holy Spirit and for sharing what the Father is saying to His children.
Blessings Sharon🌺
May God continue to do a work in and through you as you seek Him.
You are Loved!