While praying this morning, I was reminded that God is always at work whether we see it or not—God is making a way.
When my focus is on all that has changed, I often cannot see clearly the path set before me. Perhaps you are there today. Perhaps you have lost your desire to pray, hope, or dream for a better tomorrow. Are you ready to throw in the towel?
Social distancing is not how humans were created; it goes against God’s innate design for us. We were designed to be in community‑first and foremost with God, then with each other.
Perhaps you are sick and in need of healing. We were created to be healthy and strong.
Don’t give up—you were created for greatness!
Faith is the pathway to our future. It is the roadmap for our tomorrow. Faith, when activated is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil that raise their ugly heads in an attempt to steal, kill and destroy.
It’s easy to feel weary and deflated as we press through yet another day of quarantine and limited access to a life outside of our homes. Yet, God is still on His throne; He is not unemployed due to Covid-19. He is the CEO of the universe. He never slumbers or sleeps. He is alive and on the job today‑making a way for YOU!
I was reminded of this truth while in my prayer time today; “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19).
Knowing that truth . . . I can change my perspective—and so can you.
For a moment, set distractions aside. Take out your camera. Aim it off in the distance. What came into focus? Did you see chaos, despair, and ruin?
If so, you are looking through the wrong lens! Now put down your natural lens. Close your eyes. Turn your heart towards God, and pick up your faith lens. The view is always different when filtered through faith.
Faith is alive and active only if we choose to pick it up and capture every moment of every day through its all-powerful lens.
A faith grounded in a trustworthy God who loves and adores us, will always give us a fresh perspective. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Faith opens our hearts to see into the invisible realm of the spirit—to see our circumstances from God’s perspective. It gives us the promise of all that is great.
God is working ALL things out for good (Romans 8:28). Trust and see that He is greater than any pandemic stirred up by the enemy.
We may be socially distant right now, but we are never apart in the spirit. Faith is a powerful force; it provides the necessary fuel to keep us pressing through the trials, frustration, and grief that have been swirling around us like a mighty storm.
Continuing to view each moment, through the lens of faith, will result in the most beautiful imagery—precious moments to be treasured forever.
Strategically use your faith to avoid the ambushes of disease, politics, social distancing, and fear. Together we will be victorious if we don’t give up.
Change your lens today!
-Lucy Ann
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